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Well, hello anxiety: The Podcast

See anxiety for what it really is and learn how to dial it down

Our minds didn’t evolve for modern-day life, let alone pandemic life. It’s natural to feel anxious, but sometimes we can get stuck in a cycle of anxiety that gets in the way of, well, everything. If you’re looking for a compassionate place to learn how to dial anxiety down and get on with creating a happier life with more calm, contentment, meaning and purpose, this is the podcast for you.

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Well, Hello You!

Welcome to the Go-To Podcast for people who want to finally get anxiety out of the way and get on with creating an amazing life

Whether you're living with anxiety, or parenting an anxious child or teen, it doesn't have to mean constantly trying to overcome challenges or missing out, for either of you - and once you've listened to an episode or two, you'll understand exactly what I mean. Each week you'll hear enlightening conversations with experts, with someone who, like me, is well acquainted with anxiety, or experts who know anxiety well! After all, to be anxious is so very human. Every now and again, it'll be just me and you. 

Featured Episodes

Say hello to some of my favourite guests

Anxiety is high and it’s fuelling avoidance.

But that’s only making our anxiety worse, here’s why. Avoidance and anxiety are almost synonymous. It makes sense when we remember that anxiety is our brain and body’s response in anticipation of a threat. It’s natural to withdraw from the threat and retreat to safety. And, of course, this is what I want every single…
Listen Now
Anxiety is high

This podcast is for you if:

You’re looking for a compassionate place to learn how to dial anxiety down.

You’re ready to get on with creating a life with more happiness, contentment, meaning, purpose, and a whole lot of *deep breath* calm.

You're the parent of an anxious child or teen and want to learn what to say and do to help them live a happier more fulfilling life.

You want a trusted place to learn all of the different ways to manage anxiety and boost happiness and wellbeing

Understanding anxiety is the first step toward managing worries and avoidance, settling the physical symptoms of anxiety and knowing when a situation or challenge requires retreat for safety or courage (even in tiny doses 🙂 ) and action. The insights in these conversations help put you back in the driver's seat. Anxiety may have to come along for the ride, but you've got the wheel.

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Recent Episodes

Keep calm and press play

If you're like me, you like to know what others have to say...

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Inspiring and comforting in equal parts

Thank you Jodi for such a great listen. I learnt a lot of new information and practical tips that I will integrate very simply into my life. My 8 year old daughter who has anxiety will also benefit greatly from your down to earth approach. So nice to start the week with a smile in my heart! Thank you again x

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We’ve never needed this podcast more!

Such a raw, honest and empowering conversation about anxiety. Thank you Dr Jodi, I can’t wait for more episodes!

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Very much needed right now.

Beautiful. Thank you. I needed to hear this. Really helped me accept the challenges I’m going through right now

About your host
Hi, I’m Dr. Jodi Richardson.

Leading Anxiety and wellbeing speaker, educator, and bestselling author.

Anxiety and I have been acquainted for a very long time, and I know firsthand how difficult it can be to deal with anxious thoughts and feelings. Right now, you might be dealing with everyday stressors (hello, 2020 and *ahem* 2021), challenging work, family or life circumstances, or even the genetic imprint of a mental health condition - I get it. It’s never easy, but with the right advice and support, it does get easier - and that’s what I’m here for. 

I’m dedicated to supporting others with their mental health and wellbeing, and when I’m not podcasting, I'm speaking, consulting, writing, delivering professional development, exercising or hanging out with my gorgeous family!

I'm dedicated to making a genuine difference in your life, and the lives of your children.

Through candid conversations with guests who have been there and done that, I’ll give you the expertise, inspiration, and practical strategies and tools you need to rise to the challenge of being human and thrive. If you’re looking to cultivate the skills to finally get anxiety out of the way and embrace all of life’s possibilities (or support children to do just that), this is the podcast for you.

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Anxious for more?

I’ve got you covered!

Speaking engagements

Relatable, trusted, interactive and enjoyable experiences either in-person or online.


My books, Anxious Kids and Anxious Mums, are filled with personal and professional insights into anxiety that will leave you feeling well equipped, confident and optimistic.


Want more calm, confidence and tools for your anxiety toolkit?

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Calm your anxious brain

mini course

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In just five days, you’ll learn how to put powerful strategies into place for yourself and light the way for your kids and anyone else in your life.

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